Patagonia Extreme Challenge

Client : Hope for Justice

Type : Charity films, Social media, Marketing

Daily storytelling for South American charity challenge

This is the second ‘extreme challenge’ we have supported Hope for Justice with, Kilimanjaro was the first.

The brief was take on the trekking challenge ourselves and produce daily content to support fundraising goal - a challenge in itself. Editing was done daily on iPads at end long trekking days and keeping the production gear light was imperative.

We produced daily ‘snackable’ short-form video stories and photographs to be shared via WhatsApp and social media.

Hope for Justice are an incredible international charity that exist to bring an end to modern slavery by preventing exploitation, rescuing victims, restoring lives, and reforming society.

Taking part in a challenge like this is incredibly worthwhile, especially when you get to do it with the amazing people taking part.

Social media stories


Bird Man


d&b US User Experience films